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Madison County Historical Society Announces 2025 Speaker Series

Presentations for the thirteenth season of the Madison County Historical Society’s annual speaker series have been announced. The 2025 programs relate to a theme of 'In Lincoln’s Time,' and feature Abraham Lincoln scholars, musicians specializing in Civil War era music, and a re-enactor who portrays Harriet Tubman.

February 9: The first program, presented by SIUE Emeritus Professor Stephen Hansen, is on the myths surrounding Abraham Lincoln. 'A Superhero from Another Age: The Legend and Mythology of Abraham Lincoln' will explore why, 160 years after his death, we still find Lincoln so fascinating.

April 13: Wild Columbine, a musical group that specializes in parlor music of the Civil War era, will entertain attendees. Between them, the musicians in this Springfield, IL area group have more than 80 years of performance experience. MCHS is able to bring them to Edwardsville thanks to grants from the Illinois Arts Council and the Illinois State Historical Society.

June 22: Kathryn Harris, former director of library services at the Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library in Springfield, IL, will appear as Harriet Tubman. Harris has made hundreds of performances as 'Harriet' in the Springfield area and beyond. Harriet Tubman is credited with leading hundreds of enslaved people to freedom in the years prior to the Civil War.

August 10: Historian Stacy Lynn, who gave a program on Lincoln last year, was so well received she was asked to return. Lynn edited Abraham Lincoln’s papers for 25 years at the Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library and is the author or editor of several books related to the Lincoln family. She is currently associate editor of the Jane Addams Papers. Lynn will present a program on her latest book, coming out later this year, called 'Loving Lincoln: A Personal History of the Women Who Shaped Lincoln’s Life and Legacy.'

The MCHS Speaker Series offers four programs annually, all free and open to the public. The events are held at 2PM Sunday afternoons, at the Main Street Community Center (1003 North Main Street in Edwardsville, IL).

The Madison County Historical Society is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization operating the Madison County History Museum & Archival Library (801 North Main Street in Edwardsville, IL).