Event Name:
Decoding Google: 6 Free Tools to Analyze Your Website
Being found on Google can make or break a business. But do you know how Google views your website? In this session, Eric Vallee, an SEO expert with over 15 years in the field, will provide an overview of 6 free tools anyone can use to see how Google views their business. This is tailored for people who are non-technical and is perfect for small business owners and marketers who are looking to grow their online presence.
Event Date:
Event Time:
11:45 AM - 01:00 PM CST
Better Business Bureau of Wisconsin
10019 W Greenfield Avenue
Milwaukee, WI 53214
Contact Person:
Dana Brusewitz
(phone: 4145106398)
All Positive Polarity networking and education events occur at the Better Business Bureau of Wisconsin, located at 10019 W Greenfield Avenue, Milwaukee. Events are free and open to anyone. They include networking, a time of education and free lunch! We hope you can join us!Links: