Event Name:
Beyond Boundaries: The Art of Comfort Zone Expansion
During this session, we will delve into the powerful journey of stepping beyond your self-imposed limits to unlock your true potential. We will explore the reasons why you often remain in your comfort zone and the immense personal and professional growth that awaits you outside of it. You will learn practical strategies to gradually expand your comfort zone, tackle fears, and embrace new challenges with confidence. Whether you're looking to advance in your career, develop new skills, or simply lead a more vibrant life, this talk will inspire and guide you on the path to breaking free from limitations and achieving your highest aspirations.
Event Date:
Event Time:
11:45 AM - 01:00 PM CST
Better Business Bureau of Wisconsin
10019 W Greenfield Avenue
Milwaukee, WI 53214
Contact Person:
Dana Brusewitz
(phone: 4145106398)
All Positive Polarity networking and education events occur at the Better Business Bureau of Wisconsin, located at 10019 W Greenfield Avenue, Milwaukee. Events are free and open to anyone. They include networking, a time of education and free lunch! We hope you can join us!Links: