Event Name:
Tunes & Treats: The Drama Kings
Meet the Drama Kings - Scott Davis, John Mattingly and Bob Brown. They play a variety of musical styles, including light jazz, older pop tunes, blues and originals. They've been playing with each other, and other Des Moines metro bands, for many years.

The concert is hosted by Indianola Parks and Recreation and is sponsored by The Village, a WesleyLife Community. Dessert is sponsored by Indianola HyVee. This event is free and open to the public.
Event Date:
Event Time:
01:00 PM - 02:00 PM CST
Indianola Activity Center
2204 W 2nd Ave
Indianola, IA 50125
Contact Person:
Jamie Steffen Michelsen
(phone: 5159619420)
Meet the Drama Kings - Scott Davis, John Mattingly and Bob Brown. They play a variety of musical styles, including light jazz, older pop tunes, blues and originals. They've been playing with each other, and other Des Moines metro bands, for many years. The concert is FREE and open to the public.Links: