In 2008, brothers Kimo and Kalani Mack opened the doors to Mo Bettah Steaks now Mo Bettahs Hawaiian Style in Bountiful, Utah. The goal was to transport guests to an authentic Hawaiian island experience, like they had where they grew up in Oahu, Hawaii. Someone entering a Mo Bettahs restaurant will find a place that, no matter where they were from, they can fill their open (stomach) with ono (delicious) island food.
It is our desire that, in everything we do for our customers and between employees, we act in the spirit of Pono. At Mo Bettas, Pono means that we strive to do what is right in all that we do. We act in Pono when we deliver a product to our customers that more than justifies what they have spent on it.
We act in Pono with our vendors and employees when we fulfill all tasks required and asked of us. Pono demands that in any transaction, each party feels that they have received an equal or greater value. When we embrace Pono Every Time, we strive to make every interaction and transaction valuable to each party.