We, at Trance/Formers, Inc., value the family as the primary source of community development, and our priority is to initiate the development and growth of the youth. We are targeting youth between ages seven (7) and seventeen (17); but are not limiting ourselves to these particular ages, because a healthy and successful lifestyle must be maintained, ongoing into the senior adult life. We believe our youth are members of families, and families are members of communities. The main goal of this organization is to address the issues through Counseling, Discipling, Educating (tutoring), and Mentoring, in order to establish and maintain a nurturing environment, with caring adults and a healthy, safe place to improve educational success, to reduce the number of youth engaging in delinquent behavior, and to improve the quality of their lives economically, educationally, socially, & spiritually.
Trance/Formers, Inc. is designed to address youth who are at-risk, isolated, impoverished, in drug-infested environments; as well as, those who are or have been emotionally, physically, and/or verbally abused and/or neglected. Primary prevention and early intervention can help youth increase their coping skills to emulate healthy patterns instead of negative ones, such as juvenile delinquency, premature sexual behavior, substance abuse, violence, etc. We endeavor to lower the level of emotional disorders by providing mentoring in formal and informal settings, to reduce stress and promote conditions that increase confidence and coping skills in young boys and girls. Due to a variety of changes, in the scope of our country’s economic status, we provide an array of life-altering strategies and techniques for those who are adults as well.