Jackson Street Youth Services

At Jackson Street, we believe every young person deserves safe housing, positive adult role models, and opportunities to rise above challenging situations.

Albany House and Corvallis House – 24/7 emergency shelters – provide crisis stabilization for youth between the ages of 10-17 who are experiencing or at-risk of homelessness. While staying at Jackson Street, youth learn social and life skills that build self-sufficiency.  

While staying at a 24/7 Jackson Street shelter, youth work to reunite with their families whenever possible. Together with paid, trained staff, youth cook meals, learn basic life skills and attend community activities. They stay in school and set goals. Jackson Street staff even follow up after youth leave to ensure long-term success.

Beyond the shelter doors, prevention and outreach programs halt youth homelessness before it begins. Staff meets youth where they’re at – in schools, on the streets, and at drop-in centers – building trust and connecting youth to needed resources. Three “Next Steps” houses focus on job skills and independence for young people ages 18-20 who would otherwise be homeless.

With your help, Jackson Street is building a stronger community by ending youth homelessness in our region. Learn more at www.jacksonstreet.org