Carroll Young Professionals

Are you a young person, a professional or a leader between the ages 21- 45 with a desire to build relationships, enhance your professional development and contribute to your community?

Then Carroll Young Professionals (CYP) is for you!

The CYP  Steering committee consists of 14 members.  The purpose of the Steering committee is to support and direct the activities of CYP for the benefit of its members. The Steering Committee oversees the preparation of an annual budget.  They also approve monthly revenue and expenses.

CYP is an affiliate organization of the Carroll Chamber of Commerce.  They functions under the Chamber Board of Directors and its bylaws.
CYP Subcommittees:
Civic Committee: allows members to give back to the community by volunteering and getting involved with charitable events and activities.  
Membership/Marketing Committee:  works to grow the CYP membership and sustain current members through member development and involvement.  Marketing provides members with information and updates through social media and email.
Networking Committee:  helps members build relations through events and activities that will give them the chance to meet and network with other members.
Professional Development Committee:  offers members the opportunity to enhance professional development through informational meetings.