Pinellas County Historical Society

Pinellas County Historical Society

The Pinellas County Historical Society stands as a beacon of preservation and celebration, tracing its roots back to 1977 when it embarked on a journey to transform 10 acres of scattered structures into the expansive Heritage Village we know today. Located amidst 21 acres of natural beauty in Seminole, Florida, this village now comprises over 30 of the county's oldest and most historic buildings, lovingly preserved amid pine and palmetto landscapes. For more than 35 years, the Society has been an unwavering pillar of support for Heritage Village, channeling funding towards the acquisition, development, and conservation of these invaluable structures, archives, and artifacts. With a commitment to fostering educational and cultural programs, the Society ensures that Heritage Village remains a vibrant hub of historical exploration and discovery, inviting visitors to immerse themselves in the rich tapestry of Pinellas County's collective memory.

At the heart of the Pinellas County Historical Society's mission lies a dedication to not only preserving tangible relics of the past but also nurturing scholarly inquiry and community engagement. Through generous contributions and volunteer efforts, the Society fosters an environment where members serve as stewards of history, sharing their knowledge and passion as docents within the village. Moreover, the Society actively supports research endeavors, providing access to an extensive Archives & Library at Heritage Village and championing efforts to conserve museum collections. Together, the Society and Heritage Village form a dynamic partnership, ensuring that the vibrant heritage of Pinellas County continues to inspire and resonate with present and future generations.