VFW Post 1773

VFW Post 1773.

Welcome to VFW Post 1773, located at 1773 Walnut Hills in Carrollton, MO 64633. We are a distinguished chapter of the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States, a nonprofit veterans service organization dedicated to serving eligible veterans and military service members from the active, guard, and reserve forces.

Our rich history dates back to 1899, when veterans of the Spanish-American War (1898) and the Philippine Insurrection (1899-1902) came together to secure rights and benefits for their fellow servicemen. In the aftermath of these conflicts, many veterans returned home wounded or sick, facing a lack of medical care and veterans' pensions. In response to their plight, these veterans formed local organizations, which eventually coalesced into the national entity we proudly know today as the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States.

With roots firmly established in Ohio, Colorado, and Pennsylvania, the VFW movement gained momentum, evolving into a powerhouse advocating for veterans' rights. Today, our membership exceeds 1.4 million, comprised of VFW and its Auxiliary members.

Our influence has been instrumental in shaping veterans' policy and securing essential benefits. We played a crucial role in establishing the Veterans Administration, the development of the national cemetery system, and advocating for compensation for Vietnam vets exposed to Agent Orange and those diagnosed with Gulf War Syndrome. In 2008, we achieved a significant victory with the passing of the GI Bill for the 21st Century, providing expanded educational benefits to active duty service members and members of the guard and reserves serving in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Continuing our legacy of advocacy, we were at the forefront of the Veterans Access and Accountability Act of 2014, consistently fighting for improved services for women veterans at VA medical centers. Notably, we championed the passage of the 2019 Blue Water Navy Veteran Act and the historic 2022 Honoring Our PACT Act, both significant milestones in veterans' legislation.

Beyond our advocacy work, VFW Post 1773 has played a pivotal role in commemorating the sacrifices of our heroes. We helped fund the creation of memorials such as the Vietnam, Korean War, World War II, and Women in Military Service memorials. In 2005, we became the first veterans' organization to contribute to the construction of the Disabled Veterans for Life Memorial, which opened in November 2010. Additionally, in 2015, we became the inaugural supporter of the Desert Storm and Desert Shield Memorial, breaking ground in July of 2022.

At VFW Post 1773, we are committed to supporting veterans, service members, and their families, as well as communities worldwide. Explore our latest fact sheet or take the time to browse our site, and discover why, for us, "No One Does More For Veterans."