Texas Tech University Center at Junction

Texas Tech University Center at Junction

The Texas Tech University Center at Junction, established in 1971, serves as a vital institution at the heart of the Texas Hill Country. This center is home to the Llano River Field Station and the Outdoor Learning Center, offering a unique blend of educational programs and research initiatives. One standout feature is the center's summer academic program, where students can complete intensive 15-day sessions and earn 3-4 credit hours. These programs are hands-on and field-based, covering subjects such as science and photography. Additionally, the center hosts numerous conferences and workshops, attracting over 4,000 visitors annually, thereby enriching the academic community and fostering knowledge exchange.

The Llano River Field Station (LRFS), situated on over 400 acres and bisected by the South Llano River, stands as the largest inland field station in Texas. The LRFS is dedicated to research in essential areas like water, watersheds, invasive species, range management, and ecological restoration, with a keen focus on environmental education in the Central Texas Hill Country. Over the past decade, the LRFS has been a catalyst for uniting diverse stakeholders, including government agencies, local communities, universities, and K-12 schools. Together, they collaborate to address pressing natural resource and water issues, leaving a significant impact on the region. Moreover, the LRFS actively engages K-12 students, offering them hands-on learning experiences and nurturing their curiosity and commitment to education.