Community Broadband Action Network Corp

Community Broadband Action Network Corp

Community Broadband Action Network Corp (CBAN), headquartered in Indianola, Iowa, is a driving force in the mission to bridge the digital divide in the United States. Since its establishment in 2017, CBAN has grown into a robust member organization that unites communities, providers, policymakers, and advocates with the shared goal of improving broadband access and fostering digital inclusion. CBAN believes that better broadband is the key to stronger communities, recognizing the challenges millions of Americans face due to limited access, affordability issues, and digital skills gaps.

CBAN's multifaceted approach includes education, resource sharing, digital equity initiatives, direct assistance, and fostering partnerships. The organization empowers individuals and communities with knowledge, connects stakeholders to vital resources, and actively supports digital equity initiatives. In 2021, CBAN Corp., a nonprofit subsidiary, was formed to expand these efforts and secured a significant grant in 2022 to administer Iowa's Digital Navigator program. With a focus on education, advocacy, and guidance, CBAN is dedicated to creating a future where equitable broadband access and digital inclusion are accessible to all, ensuring that no one is left behind in the digital age.