Pax Essential, LLC

Pax Essential, LLC

Pax Essential, LLC, located in Junction, Texas, is a company with a rich heritage in the Flavors & Fragrances Industry. Under the new ownership of industry veterans Berje and Texarome, the company is dedicated to preserving a tradition that has been an integral part of the Junction community for over 60 years. They continue to work closely with local wood suppliers, vendors, and their dedicated employees to uphold the timeless tradition of 100% pure and natural Cedarwood distillation for the fragrance industry.

Pax Essential is not only committed to tradition but also to innovation and sustainability. They are investing in cutting-edge plant facilities and infrastructure to ensure the highest product quality, all while adhering to environmentally-friendly, green manufacturing practices. Their dedication to sustainability extends throughout their operation, minimizing their environmental impact and contributing to the harmony of the local environment. Pax Essential, LLC represents a unique blend of tradition, innovation, and commitment to community and sustainability within the Flavors & Fragrances Industry.