Copper Brothel Brewery

Copper Brothel Brewery

Copper Brothel Brewery is a homage to the rich history and vibrant spirit of Sonoita, Arizona. Located in the heart of this historic region, our brewery takes its name from the once-thriving copper mining town of Sonoita in the late 1800s. We are dedicated to the craft of brewing exceptional beer, combining traditional techniques with innovation to create a diverse selection of handcrafted brews. We take pride in using the finest local ingredients, infusing every pint with the unique flavors of the Southwest. Our brewery serves as a community hub, where locals and visitors gather to share stories and forge lasting connections. With a welcoming atmosphere and a commitment to quality, Copper Brothel Brewery invites you to experience the best of Sonoita's heritage and enjoy moments you'll treasure.

Situated amidst the breathtaking landscapes of Sonoita, our brewery offers an inviting setting to relax, unwind, and savor the taste of Arizona's history. Whether you're seeking a casual afternoon, celebrating a special occasion, or exploring the region's past, Copper Brothel Brewery promises an unforgettable experience. Join us in raising a glass to the convergence of history, tradition, and exceptional craft beer at Copper Brothel Brewery—a place where every sip tells a story and every visit creates cherished memories. We look forward to welcoming you as part of our ongoing journey.