Krohn Breakthrough Foundation

Krohn Breakthrough Foundation

The Krohn Breakthrough Foundation, established in 2020 during a global pandemic, is a beacon of hope and compassion based in Orem, Utah. Founded by entrepreneurs Kris and Kalenn Krohn, the foundation aims to address the surge of depression, anxiety, and fear affecting numerous lives. Their visionary founder, Kris Krohn, developed the Belief Breakthrough system, with a mission to provide emotional intelligence training to vulnerable communities in need of support.

Led by Executive Director Luis Vega, the foundation has undertaken impactful missions to make a positive impact. From conducting international humanitarian rescue operations to delivering critical aid to vulnerable regions like Ukraine's front lines and supporting survivors of sex trafficking in Mexico, Krohn Breakthrough Foundation is deeply committed to saving lives and creating positive change.

With a vision of a world where every life is valued and boundless potential is realized, Krohn Breakthrough Foundation remains dedicated to breaking barriers and empowering individuals through Breakthrough coaching. Their efforts revolve around transforming lives, empowering individuals to break free from limiting beliefs, and discovering their unique purpose.