The Paper

About The Paper

Against all common sense and good advice, we started a newspaper in a pandemic. Here’s why.

Those of us who know Albuquerque know its allure. Our city is full of amazing stories and important narratives that can be told nowhere else on earth. But those stories are not alive if no one tells them.

We started The Paper. to give life to the abundant culture, ideas and community going on around us. Our principles are simple:

We live the values we preach: we are the only queer-owned, woman-managed paper in New Mexico. Each week we publish the list of everyone included in that edition. Check it out in the front pages of each issue.

The Paper. is our gift to New Mexico, so enjoy.

Where can I find The Paper.?

10,000 free copies of The Paper. hit newsstands each Wednesday. You can find us at more than 175 locations across the ABQ metro.

We also produce a daily e-edition available by email with more in-depth news, arts, culture, business, cannabis and more. Try it out by subscribing now.

How do we make money?

Glad you asked! Let’s be real, none of us got into the news business for the money. But it does take money to operate a paper. Our advertisers support the business (all the designers, editors, web gurus that go into publishing a paper).

Our readers support our writers. 100% of reader-generated subscriptions and donations goes to pay the local, independent journalists who write our stories. You can help by subscribing today.

Award winning coverage!

Thanks to readers and donors like you, we were able to win a national award! Want to help us cover even more local news? Use the button below and donate! We appreciate every dollar.