The Ascent Church

Who We Are

If any of us were able to walk out on front porch and know the stories behind the doors of our neighbors, we might be shocked at the stress and weight of life that most people are dealing with. Even though we live in nice houses, with fancy cars out front, all of us struggle with finding purpose in our lives and answers to our greatest questions.

That’s why we at The Ascent Church feel called to take the church to the neighborhood. We want to be the example of Jesus Christ to our neighbors and those we live with and around. This is the primary vision of our church and we put much of our effort and resources toward that end. One tool that we use to live with our neighbors are what we call Base Camps. These are neighborhood-based home groups that live out the Gospel to the neighborhoods that surround our campuses. Find out more on our Base Camp page.

We also meet as a church community on Sunday mornings at two different campuses across three services. We would love to have you join us or feel free to email us for more information at

May God bless you!