Restoration 1 of Grand Rapids

Restoration 1 Offers Water Damage, Fire Damage, and Mold Remediation Services. Proudly Serving Grand Rapids and Surrounding Areas.

Our Certified Technicians work with ALL insurance carriers

The Best Property Restoration Services in Grand Rapids, MI

For close to a decade, Restoration 1 has helped countless clients across the country with property damage restoration. We can help with anything from flood and fire to smoke damage and mold, to name just a few of our many property restoration services. Plus, we are on call 24/7, which means we can help Grand Rapids’ residents at any time of the day or night.

Water damage is one of the most common problems that we see affect properties in Grand Rapids. This can result from either a damaged pipe, a leaking AC unit, or a problematic faucet––or something more serious such as a major flood or burst sewage pipe. The problem with water damage is that the longer water is in contact with things, the more damage it causes. As water seeps into floors, furniture, and carpets, it can blister paint, warp wood and even cause structural damage.

In need of water damage restoration in Grand Rapids? For all your property restoration needs, call Restoration 1 of Grand Rapids today at (616) 300-1169.