Healthy Happy Feet

At Healthy Happy Feet, we aim to give our clients world-class foot care services which combine beauty and health. Healthy Happy Feet is an aseptic cosmetic foot care spa that focuses on the cosmetic appearance and health of your feet. Our services extend to people who have diabetes, neuropathy, autoimmune diseases and more. Our staff is trained to detect the symptoms and provide services that are tailored to meet the needs of each customer. At our spa, we follow the highest standards of hygiene. For every client, we use new, sterilized equipment to protect their health.

At Healthy Happy Feet, we go the extra mile to ensure that our clients obtain the best possible care. This is why all of our team is required to obtain certifications that are above the standards required by the State authorities.

All of our technicians have the Advance Nail Technician (ANT) certification as a minimum. The ANT consists of 10 modules and focuses on instilling knowledge relating to the standards of health and hygiene that must be observed in a spa. It also involves a detailed study of the diseases and conditions that can be commonly found in the foot care industry. Additional education steps up our game another notch with the Medical Nail Technician, or (MNT) certification.

This certification combines an internship with a doctor to observe and an extremely intensive 10 module course. This allows them to understand what medical conditions and illnesses can affect the foot and the symptoms they display. This experience allows our trainees to have a deeper understanding foot health.