Kynetic Health

At KYNETIC HEALTH, we believe that there is nothing more important than helping to improve the quality of life of our patients.

Whether due to an injury or the natural aging process (or both), we can begin to lose mobility in some of the most important parts of our bodies – preventing us from enjoying many of the activities we value most, such as hikes through our beautiful southern Arizona or playing with our grandchildren. Many of us also live with pain, such as aching muscles, joints, and osteoarthritis – issues that prevent us from sleeping, working, or living well.

At KYNETIC HEALTH, our mission is to help treat the cause of your pain and help to reverse many of the signs of aging that can make you feel like a prisoner to your body – with innovative medicine such as PRP (platelet-rich plasma) and stem cell therapy. As a leader in the fields of Sports and Regenerative Medicine, Dr. Lebeck and our team of medical professionals have successfully helped the overwhelming majority of our patients treat their pain or injury without surgery and without ever prescribing narcotics.