Shelby County Catholic School

Dear Parents and Friends of Shelby County Catholic School,

Welcome to our Catholic school community.  Our mission statement, Shelby County Catholic School, growing in faith with Jesus, is a family-oriented school committed to academic excellence, sums up what we believe are the most important tenets of our school. 

First and foremost is our faith in Jesus.  We share the faith with our students and families by not only teaching the doctrine of our faith but also by living the faith as we strive to teach our students to see Christ in each and every person.

Secondly, we recognize the importance of our families and encourage the involvement of parents, guardians, and other family members in our school community.  Our teachers know and care about each student as an individual.  Our family-oriented culture provides a safe and caring learning environment.

Finally, our commitment to academic excellence guides us to continually assist our students to do their very best in the classroom and in extracurricular activities.

At Shelby County Catholic School, faith and learning are intertwined as we work to develop the skills and talents our students will need to be successful in the future.