Red Compass Real Estate & Property Management

Established in 2009, Red Compass Realty originally did business under the name of Berry Real Estate Services, LLC. In an effort to settle on long-term branding, the elements of our Western Colorado environment were used to pick this name. We like to explore and create life adventures here along the Colorado River where hiking, biking, camping, fishing, hunting, and outdoor recreation are major components of what makes our area enjoyable. In order to navigate the terrain, a compass provides guidance, direction, and a fixed point of reference. Our aim is to provide this for our clients and customers in their real estate endeavors.

Surrounded by geographic formations adds a lot of variety to our local landscape including the red sandstone formations of the Colorado National Monument along the southwest side of the Grand Valley. Red is a distinctive color and one of the root words in our states name, Colorado, named for the river, Spanish Rio Colorado where colorado means red, ruddy, colored. As a curious and fun side note, RED can also stand for Real Estate Decision or Real Estate Development for example.