Live Oak Artists Guild

The Live Oak Artist Guild's objective and purpose is to advance the skills, knowledge, and appreciation of the arts among its members, the general public, as well as offer assistance and encouragement to area students. We are a non-profit organization under IRS Code 501 c3. We meet on the first Tuesday of the month at 6 pm at the Live Oak Library. There is a short business meeting followed by a program (speaker, display, or group activity), refreshments, and a show and tell presenting our at-home challenge assignment. We have been promoting the arts in Suwannee County since 1979. The LOAG supports Heritage Park and Gardens, makes the Florida Quilt Trail displays, and teaches young students during  ArtSplash in the summer. In the fall we hold ArtfFest a two-week fine art exhibition.
We are striving to attract new members as most of our membership focuses on the visual arts but we welcome writers, actors, musicians, dancers, and craft makers. We want to broaden our membership, increase community involvement and create more fun and engagement for our members.