Talk Less Pray More Publishing

Talk Less Pray More Publishing

Welcome to Talk Less Pray More Publishing, your gateway to the world of literary excellence and spiritual enlightenment. Founded by Racheal Ankrah-Fosu and nestled in the heart of Randolph, New Jersey, our publishing house is driven by a passion for words and a profound belief in the transformative power of literature. With an unwavering commitment to quality and a deep respect for diverse voices, we are dedicated to bringing inspiring stories, thought-provoking literature, and spiritual wisdom to readers around the globe.

Our mission is to be a beacon of light in the publishing industry, fostering a space where authors from all walks of life can share their unique perspectives, knowledge, and faith with the world. At Talk Less Pray More Publishing, we understand the significance of words and their potential to spark change, inspire growth, and ignite the spirit. Whether you're an emerging writer seeking a platform for your voice or a discerning reader in search of books that nourish the soul, we invite you to embark on this literary journey with us. Together, we'll explore the power of storytelling and the boundless possibilities of the written word, as we continue to make Randolph, NJ, a hub of literary excellence and spiritual exploration.