Direct Realty LLC

Here at Direct Realty, we understand that through the course of selling a property, or the purchase of one, there are many questions raised that you need fast and clear answers to.

Selling a property? Marketing your home?
No one represents sellers better than we do. We have a multimedia approach that has produced results that are second to none. We do so much more than just wait for an offer. In today's world of high-speed internet, virtual tours, and high-resolution pictures, just waiting for the phone to ring about your home is not nearly enough. Our services are so extensive that it is impossible to list them all, and each agent also adds their own individual talents and skills to sell your property. 

Buying a property?
Buying your new home can be both a wonderful and stressful experience. It's our job to take care of as much of the stress as possible and let you enjoy the fun part! There are very few things that are as much fun as watching someone find the home of their dreams! We have assembled a list of excellent inspectors, lenders, etc. to refer you to, or call one of our agents anytime with your questions! The most important thing to remember is it is our job to help things run as smoothly as possible and to keep you informed of the timelines, appointments, etc.