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Letter to Congress and the New Administration Urging Action to Prevent Tax Increases To the Members of the United States Congress and New Administration

Letter to Congress and the New Administration Urging Action to Prevent Tax Increases

To the Members of the United States Congress and New Administration:

Absent congressional action, at the end of 2025 American families and employers will be hit with the largest tax increase in American history.  

The pro-growth tax reforms enacted in 2017 have been instrumental in driving economic growth, fostering capital investment, job creation, and higher wages. The expiration of many of these reforms will reduce economic growth, increase costs for families, harm main street businesses, reduce take-home pay for workers, and result in significant job losses. These outcomes are unacceptable and completely avoidable.

We are calling on next Congress and Administration to commit to pursuing a pro-growth agenda and acting to prevent any tax increases on American families or businesses. By maintaining a pro-growth tax code, we can continue to build a robust economy that benefits all Americans and ensures that our nation remains a leader in global competitiveness and economic opportunity.