Basic Computer Classes for Adults
The Basic Computer Classes for Adults are designed to help participants develop essential digital skills. Whether they are just starting to use computers or want to improve their knowledge, these classes cover fundamental topics such as using email, browsing the internet, and working with basic programs. The friendly and supportive environment ensures that each person learns at their own pace.
Event Date:
Event Time:
05:30 PM - 07:30 PM EST
Delaware Hispanic Chamber of Commerce Office.
1500 E Newport Pike Wilmington Delaware
wilmington, DE 19804
Contact Person:
Karen Lucas
(phone: 3026091363)
The course Basic Computer Classes for Low-Cost Entrepreneurs is designed to support business owners in developing essential digital skills. It offers practical training and resources to leverage technology, improve time management, and strengthen key office skills to compete in today's business environment.
During the course, participants will learn:
✅ Basic computer skills
✅ Internet usage
✅ Google applications
✅ And much more!