Event Name:
Graduacion Clase de Computacion Grupo 1 - Graduation Computer Class Group 1
Este día celebraremos la culminación del curso del grupo que ha estado tomando clases todos los sábados. En esta celebración, entregaremos los certificados de finalización y realizaremos una ceremonia especial en compañía de todos sus familiares y amigos.
This day, we will celebrate the completion of the course for the group that has been taking classes every Saturday. During this celebration, we will present the completion certificates and hold a special ceremony in the company of all their family and friends.
Event Date:
Event Time:
05:30 PM - 07:30 PM EST
1801 Lancaster Ave Wilmington Delaware
207 Marsh Ln Wilmington Delaware
wilmington, DE 19804
Contact Person:
Karen Lucas
(phone: 3026091363)