Event Name:
The Art of Video Storytelling

What you do is not necessarily unique. But your story and the impact you're making is.

In a world where the things you do, the products and services you provide, are things that dozens of others are doing, how do you make yourself stand out? You share your story. People connect to PEOPLE, not products and services. And in a world where our thoughts divide, our feelings will unite. Jamie will help you switch the gears in your marketing minds to stray you away from the traditional self-promo type videos that most people use to create video content that ultimately gets overlooked.
This workshop is aimed to help organizations find and share their stories so that people care about WHO you are, not WHAT you do. Jamie will guide you through finding your focus when creating a video, bringing out the most important, emotive parts and weaving it together to create a story that will receive good attention online and help promote your business and call to action.

Video is incredibly important in today's world. It's how everyone consumes information. After this workshop, you'll walk away with a better understanding of how to tell your own story and how it could make a tremendous difference in making YOU stand out. 


Jamie Perez bio:

Jamie Perez is the owner and chief storyteller at Beyond Words Productions – a videography + storytelling company that focuses on creating heartfelt and emotive videos for businesses and nonprofits. Jamie found her way to entrepreneurship after spending 6 years as a Broadcast TV News reporter. She took on almost every role in the newsroom, but her primary position (and the position where she gained the most skills telling stories) was as an MMJ (multi-media journalist). As an MMJ, Jamie was a one-person show: from finding the story ideas, filming them, editing them, presenting the story live on air and writing up the story for the station’s website all on deadline every day. Originally from Sacramento, California, Jamie worked in Sioux City, Iowa at the ABC station for 2 years before moving to Madison, WI’s CBS station. She covered political campaigns, interviewed celebrities, reported live in the middle of Midwest blizzards, and told stories on the best and worst days of people’s lives. After leaving the industry she thought she would be in forever, Jamie found her way to entrepreneurship and hasn’t imagined looking back. Since starting her business three years ago, Jamie’s videos have helped nonprofits raise hundreds of thousands of dollars, helped for-profits gain hundreds of thousands of dollars in new lead generation, and helped people hire in a stubborn employment market. Jamie’s business motto is: “If a picture says a thousand words, my videos will leave people Beyond Words.”

Event Date:
Event Time:
10:00 AM - 11:00 AM PST
California Capital Women's Business Center
1792 Tribute Rd. Suite 270
Sacramento, CA 95815
Contact Person:
Women's Business Center
(phone: 9164421729)

What you do is not necessarily unique. But your story and the impact you're making is.

In a world where the things you do, the products and services you provide, are things that dozens of others are doing, how do you make yourself stand out? You share your story. People connect to PEOPLE, not products and services. And in a world where our thoughts divide, our feelings will unite. Jamie will help you switch the gears in your marketing minds to stray you away from the traditional self-promo type videos that most people use to create video content that ultimately gets overlooked.
This workshop is aimed to help organizations find and share their stories so that people care about WHO you are, not WHAT you do. Jamie will guide you through finding your focus when creating a video, bringing out the most important, emotive parts and weaving it together to create a story that will receive good attention online and help promote your business and call to action.

Video is incredibly important in today's world. It's how everyone consumes information. After this workshop, you'll walk away with a better understanding of how to tell your own story and how it could make a tremendous difference in making YOU stand out. 
