
We at Vibn are true believers that things dont just happen by accident. Every wrong turn, detour and dead end have a purpose: to teach you a lesson, and trust us when we tell you, its usually a hard one! Nevertheless, our mission is to share our experiences, thoughts and journey with you. We know positive quotes are everywhere so we ask that you dig a little deeper to find meaning, because words only mean so much more if followed up by a few simple steps.

First and foremost, the most important thing that you must learn is that YOU are the key to your own growth. Every success story has to begin somewhere and ours has just begun. Hopefully, as you read this, you are inspired to believe the same about yourself.

Vibn has taken us on an incredible path, full of challenges, up and downs, but theres nothing better than looking back and seeing how we have grown from all those experiences.

We are lucky to say that we have found our purpose. We dont consider ourselves to be life-coaches, on the contrary, we want to share our life journey, mistakes and all so we can be real and relatable. Will that help others avoid our mishaps? Perhaps, but the idea is that we dont get caught up in the roadblocks, but rather, that we are empowered to overcome them.

Theres a long journey ahead and we are anxious and excited to experience it! Already, we feel a great deal of responsibility for our growing Tucson community and our place in it!

Weve turned thoughts into ideas and ideas into action for two years now!

Check out our Video below - Paul Mendoza, co-founder of Vib'n