Batavia Chamber of Commerce

Welcome, and thank you for visiting the Batavia Chamber of Commerce website. The Chamber strives to be a dynamic resource for visitors and residents, and an active voice for business and commerce.

We hope you find this site both interesting and useful. Within its pages you can find businesses and organizations that can fill your every need; information about Batavia's history; links to other businesses, community and civic organizations; the benefits of joining the Chamber of Commerce; and much more. We hope that you find the resources useful enough that you will want to visit often.

Batavia, like all communities, has a wealth of resources. Among our strengths are the magnificent Fox River, a robust spirit of volunteerism, a healthy business and economic environment, great schools, a beautiful library and wonderful, friendly people. And, like other communities, we are blessed with our share of challenges . . . opportunies for us to collectively roll up our sleeves and get to work. As a resident since 1989, these are some of the things I most appreciate about this enclave we lovingly call "The City of Energy".

So enjoy your visit. And should you have a question that is unanswered, or a need that is unfulfilled, please send us an email or give us a call. My assistant Lynn and I will do all we can to go beyond your expectations.