Ryan Parker, Good Neighbor Living - RE/MAX Alliance

As a 5th generation Coloradan I take great pride in my roots!  I grew up on a farm in Golden, Colorado raising horses, mules, cows and all the little critters that Ol’ McDonald had.  I learned how to have a sense of humor, work hard and appreciate the small things in life.  I had great role models in my life like my parents, grandparents, teachers and coaches who inspired me to learn as much as possible and be committed to doing my best!  As a result, today I still embrace the importance of Faith, Family, Country and Community.   In my spare time, I have a company called Backyard Genius, LLC where with the help of family and friends we get to create, build and test really cool inventions as seen on The Weather Channel’s “BrainStormers” in 2015.  In my commitment to helping others, I’m a former volunteer Firefighter/ EMT-B with Larkspur Fire and the go to person for anything in my community.  As an EcoBroker and a fan of nature I believe in being a steward of what we have and being able to share this amazing world and life’s adventures with my family and friends.  With my Senior Real Estate Specialist designation I'm committed to helping people of all ages find peace of mind no matter what stage they are in life.

So, when you commence planning to buy or sell a home, please remember that at my core, I’m committed to providing you the best experience possible!    Getting you to the closing table successfully is important to me.  If you’re selling, success means getting your property sold quickly and for the highest price possible. If you’re buying, it means finding your next dream home and getting into it, affordably. On top of that, if you’re like most of my satisfied customers, you also want everything to go smoothly, with as little stress as possible or what I like to call “Peace of Mind!”

How can you ensure all that happens? By working with a real estate agent who truly puts you first.

I’m proud to be the real estate agent of choice for those who want a great experience buying or selling a home. My “clients-first” approach means that you’ll be working with a professional who listens to you, provides expert advice, and works hard on your behalf.  Not to mention, I was grown here!