Fitness Partners LLC/ DBA Anytime Fitness

Anytime Fitness is has been rated as the #1 Top Global Franchise by Entrepreneur Magazine the last two years! There are currently a total of 3,500 locations globally for our members to use! Our group currently owns and operates 13 Ohio locations.

Every member gets a free, personalized Get Started Plan when they join. Our friendly, professional staff is trained to help you along your fitness journey, no matter how much support you need.

Getting to a healthier place is about more than going to the gym. That's why we offer personal training and classes when you're here, and the right tools to keep you on track when you're not.

With 24/7 access to more than 3,000 locations worldwide, you're joining the most convenient gym on the planet.

You're not just joining a gym. You're joining a supportive community of like-minded people who are here to give you the encouragement you need.