Utah Valley Marathon, Half Marathon & 10K

The Utah Valley Marathon was organized by experienced marathon runners who wanted to create a memorable running experience with a charitable cause. The creation began with two friends who were puzzled why there wasn't a marathon in Utah County yet. What began as a joke among friends became a reality when the Daily Herald among other sponsors agreed to support a marathon in Utah County.

Our goal is to give you a race that you want to tell your friends about. The race has had tremendous growth. In 2008, there were only 240 athletes, but quickly attention was drawn to this new Utah Valley Marathon. In 2009, the Utah Grand Slam decided to make the Utah Valley Marathon one of the 4 required marathons, and the number of runners in the race that year grew to 1,200. In 2010, the growth continued bringing 3,800 runners. Most recently the 2012 race had over 7,200 athletes in what has become the fastest growing road race in the state of Utah. As of 2018, we have an average of over 5,000 runners every year.