ChildSavers - Memorial Child Guidance Clinic

ChildSavers (formerly Memorial Child Guidance Clinic) is a source of hope for Central Virginia's children. Founded in 1924, the Clinic's legacy of innovation, leadership, and care for children has endeared it to three generations of Richmond citizens. Early in its history, ChildSavers turned exclusively to addressing the mental health and developmental needs of children.

At the core of ChildSavers' mission is a fundamental commitment to the mental well being of children and the positive bond between adult and child. We support this with clinical treatment and education and training services that offer reassurance, healing, and the skills necessary to achieve normal life and development.

ChildSavers is a community-supported nonprofit agency governed by a volunteer Board of Directors. ChildSavers is licensed by the Virginia Department of Behavioral Health & Developmental Services and is accredited by the Council on Accreditation for Child and Family Services.

ChildSavers guides our community's children through life's critical moments with trauma-informed mental health and child development services.