Southwest Valley Family YMCA
The YMCA provides a variety of programs to children and families in the greater southwest valley area.

The new Southwest Valley Regional YMCA opened on Monday April 4, 2005. With over 24,000 square feet of program space, the Y is serving more than 5,000 families in the area.

Members can enjoy a state-of-the-art fitness center, with professional exercise staff and personal trainers. More than 60 different classes are offered each week, ranging from kick-boxing to yoga.

Kids love the rock climbing wall, and the play features in the Child Watch Center (a free service for members while they work out).

Our teen center includes kid-sized exercise equipment, as well as games and computers. Parents are welcome to join their children in exercising in this area.

The Olympic-size competition pool is home to the Agua Fria high school swim teams, as well as the YMCA Westside Silver Fins swim club. Lessons are available for kids of all ages (even grown-up kids!).

Please stop by and visit!