Hope Haven Inc.

Hope Haven began in 1964 when a small group of community members from NW Iowa responded to the needs of 11 children with hearing impairments. At that time, no residential, educational, or work service opportunities were available nearby.

In 2014, Hope Haven celebrated 50 years of God's faithfulness.

We celebrate the growth and development of the people we serve, as well as the blessing that our programs can continue to provide much-needed service to surroundings communities. Click here to read more about the services offered.

Inclusion Handbook: Everybody Belongs, Everybody serves is a resource provided by the RCA for advocates of people with disabilities.

Ultimately, Hope Haven is about people: God's people serving others and God's people being served.

Hope Haven is accredited and highly commended for quality services by the Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities (CARF).

Hope Haven has 501(c)3 status and is accredited by the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability.