Pinson Memorial Methodist Church

Everybody who belongs to Jesus belongs to everybody who belongs to Jesus. While we have our own history and church tradition as Methodists, we are part of the worldwide Body of Christ which knows no boundaries of race or geography. Fellowship with all persons who want to know God in Christ is our calling and joy.
"Go Ye" is more than just a slogan. It is the central "marching order" for all of God's people. He has sent us into the world to bear His message of love and forgiveness to every "people, tongue, tribe and nation." The Great Commission is our central task.
"Love one another" knows no boundaries. Jesus said it, and we are bound to it if we are to follow Him. This is part of the DNA of people who have experienced the love of God.
We want to express the love of God to each other in how we handle each other with grace, patience, and understanding.