Girls Fight Back

Girls Fight Back

Girls Fight Back is the world-renowned personal safety and self-defense company that teaches women and people of all gender identities how to live confidently while being their own best protector. Girls Fight Back has been a leading voice in the conversation on violence prevention, boundary setting, and empowerment for over 20 years and has trained over 1 million people through their various interactive programs. Their clients span diverse industries including military, corporate, college, outdoor, tech, Fortune 500, healthcare, outdoor, and more both domestically and abroad.

Girls Fight Back was founded in 2001 by Erin Weed in direct response to the June 2001 murder of Shannon McNamara, a dynamic, athletic, and loved college student. Nicole Snell took over the company in 2020 and is dedicated to continuing the mission!

The Girls Fight Back Owner and CEO is Nicole Snell, an award-winning international speaker, trainer, and personal safety expert specializing in sexual assault prevention education, gender-based violence prevention, and boundary setting. Nicole is also the Founder of Outdoor Defense and is the Lead Instructor with both IMPACT Personal Safety and IMPACT Global.

Nicole speaks to gender-inclusive groups in dozens of industries both domestically and abroad. She has a range of customizable programs that incorporate a spectrum of verbal & physical skills to empower any community. Nicole has facilitated Sexual Assault Prevention workshops at over 90 military installations worldwide including at the Pentagon and has completed over 450 speaking engagements globally. She has personally trained over 150,000 people!

Nicole is a NACP Credentialed Victim Advocate, a credentialed Empowerment Self-Defense Professional, a WOSB-certified business, and a collaborative teammate with Difference Makers (10 Strong.) Nicole is a dynamic speaker who is renowned for her ability to connect with and engage audiences of all sizes and across demographics. Her programs are evidence-based, trauma-informed, interactive, and inclusive. She believes that when we are empowered to live our lives freely and confidently, there is no limit to what we can do!

Nicole has been featured in a variety of media outlets for her violence prevention and empowerment expertise, including Women’s Health Magazine, Spectrum 1 News, Backpacker Magazine, and News Nation Now. She has also been featured on over 40 podcasts including Nike Trained and Fox True Crime Podcast. Nicole is committed to ending violence in all of its forms and believes that everyone has the right to walk through the world feeling safe, powerful, and confident.