Last Digital

Last Digital

Welcome to Last Digital, a visionary platform meticulously crafted by founder Peyton Knight in 2022. With a rich background spanning over 14 years in the dynamic realms of fashion and entertainment, coupled with an additional 8 years of expertise in social media management and strategy, Knight recognized the burgeoning need for a comprehensive solution to empower artists, influencers, and companies in enhancing their online presence. Last Digital stands as the embodiment of this visionary concept, tailored to meet the unique demands of our clients in navigating the digital landscape.

At Last Digital, we pride ourselves on bridging the gap in the market for personalized and effective social media solutions. Peyton Knight's commitment to excellence is evident in the platform's mission: to take your brand's vision to new heights. Whether you're an emerging artist seeking to make a mark, an influencer aiming to expand your reach, or a company striving for a stronger online identity, Last Digital is here to transform your aspirations into a compelling and engaging digital narrative. Join us on this transformative journey, where creativity meets strategy, and let Last Digital be your trusted partner in shaping a distinctive online presence.