The Chiro Co.

Back pain? Neck pain? Frequent headaches? Achy joints? Always feeling tight and restricted when you move?

Dr. Rachel O'Brien at The Chiro Co. is here to help you get back to living life pain free. It is our mission to cut out the "Band-Aid treatment" of treating only the symptoms and never the actual source of pain.
Dr. O'Brien's goal is to provide evidence-based care by finding the underlying cause of complaints and stabilizing them for long term relief.
The Chiro Co. strives to serve patients with unique treatment plans tailored to each patient's specific needs using traditional Chiropractic adjustments and other conservative treatment options. We are taking a gimmick-free, evidence-based approach to not only get you well, but to help you stay well long term. 

Dr. O'Brien is an in-network provider with most major medical insurances and accepts self-pay patients who do not have medical insurance or opt out of utilizing their insurance. 

Some common conditions The Chiro Co. treats regularly (and much more)  Other service offered at The Chiro Co.