Ahex Ltd
Expert Advice  
People audit | Keynote speakers | Affiliate Learning and Development | Change Culture Solicitation
Certified Training 
Certified Courses | Onsite training | Online courses
Team Building 
Team building| Leadership development  | In tray scenario training
Recruitment and employment screening | Succession planning | Aptitude & psychometrics


At AHEX, we are dedicated to helping businesses thrive through effective training, consultancy, and analysis. Whether you’re looking to improve team dynamics or implement new management strategies, our services can help you achieve your goals.

AHEX certified training programmes offer a unique blend of classroom education and workshops that include physical team-building activities. These activities challenge individuals to apply their newly acquired soft skills in a team environment. Our services also include business management consultancy, change management, and audits.

We understand that monitoring and reporting are crucial to success. That’s why we incorporate analysis to expand your organisation’s capabilities. Our in-depth reports provide valuable insights into your strengths and areas for improvement. Our approach helps your organisation develop, maximising productivity and efficiency.