Trichotillomania Relief Specialists

Trichotillomania Relief Specialists

Trichotillomania Relief Specialists, led by the husband and wife team of Robert and Glei Mantell, offer over 20 years of comprehensive experience in assisting clients worldwide with various emotional and behavioral issues, including trichotillomania. Their innovative approach has been recognized in media, including a feature on the Discovery Health Channel, where Robert showcased his expertise by helping a client overcome a 20-year phobia within 15 minutes.

Inspired by their remarkable success with a 15-year-old client in 2006, who had struggled with trichotillomania since the age of 5, Robert and Glei shifted their focus towards addressing trichotillomania and other Body-Focused Repetitive Behaviors (BRFBs). They have since become pioneers in rapid trichotillomania relief, fostering transformation and hope for those in need. Joining their engaged Facebook community and subscribing to their Twitter feed @TrichFreeTRS allows individuals to access valuable updates and articles, while their diverse YouTube Channel provides further insights and resources.