Mind, Body & Spirit Co-op

Mind, Body & Spirit Co-op

At Mind, Body & Spirit Co-op, our mission is to create nurturing spaces that foster personal growth and well-being. We are dedicated to empowering individuals, families, and communities to enhance their quality of life through self-investment. By adopting a holistic approach to health, we aim to unite small communities and promote a sense of unity and interconnectedness.

Through our cooperative environment, we strive to inspire and guide individuals on their journey toward self-improvement. We believe in the power of leading by example and providing ongoing education to support the transformational process. By empowering people and promoting a Whole Health Approach, we aim to cultivate a harmonious balance between the mind, body, and spirit, benefiting not only individuals but also their families and the wider community.

We are registered under Agriculture, Education, and Community Service and strive to address Financial, Food, and Social Insecurity. Our programs currently include Single mothers' Network (Life and Jobs Skills Training), The Butterfly Garden Club (Single Moms & Kids), and a Community Garden Outreach program called Gardens To Go for Disabled, Vets, Seniors, & others (Mobility Limited Populations).