Friends In Deed

Friends In Deed

Friends in Deed aims to provide people in the Green Valley Community access to transportation, temporary loans of medical equipment, physical space for meetings, activities and socialization, all without cost.

Friends In Deed is a non-profit organization that has been serving the Green Valley community for over 50 years. With a team of dedicated part-time volunteers, we offer a range of free services to residents of Green Valley and extend most of our services to individuals in Sahuarita as well. Our operations are funded solely through community grants and donations, allowing us to provide essential services at no cost.

Our services cover various areas of need within the community. We offer time-limited loans of durable medical equipment, transportation assistance to medical appointments, blood pressure screening clinics, and a monthly calendar filled with engaging events and activities. These services aim to enhance the quality of life for our community members and ensure access to vital healthcare resources. The support and generosity of our community play a vital role in enabling us to continue serving and making a positive impact on the lives of those we reach.