Peak Nutritional Therapy

Peak Nutritional Therapy

Welcome to Peak Nutritional Therapy, where founder Shea, a former long-haul truck driver turned certified Nutritional Therapy Practitioner, is dedicated to guiding individuals towards optimal health through the power of nutrition. Shea's transformational journey began during his years on the road, where he avidly consumed health-related content and nutrition books. Fueled by a desire to make a difference, he pursued formal education and sold his trucking business to become a certified practitioner. Now, Shea offers his expertise to clients both in Draper, Utah, and remotely, leveraging technology to help people worldwide. His passion for nutrition extends into his personal life, allowing him to spend more quality time with his family while pursuing his unwavering commitment to wellness.

At Peak Nutritional Therapy, Shea's dedication to improving lives through nutrition is palpable. Whether you seek overall health enhancement, specific dietary guidance, or a transformative wellness journey, Shea is here to assist you. Together, you can explore the incredible benefits of optimal nutrition, fostering a healthier, happier you. Contact Peak Nutritional Therapy today, and embark on a path to well-being, where your health and vitality are the top priorities.