Legacy Parenting

Legacy Parenting

Legacy Parenting is a nonprofit organization located in Shawnee, Oklahoma, that has been supporting families in Pottawatomie County and surrounding areas since 2015. Their commitment to providing high-quality parent education and resources is evident in their partnerships with reputable organizations such as the United Way of Pottawatomie County and the National Diaper Bank Network. They offer free support and guidance to clients ranging from young mothers in middle school to grandparents raising their grandchildren, ensuring that every family, regardless of income, has access to the assistance they need.

Understanding the critical importance of the early years in a child's development, Legacy Parenting's dedicated team of professionals empowers parents with the knowledge and tools required to create nurturing and loving environments for their children. Through their parent education initiatives, they have facilitated over 67,000 minutes of invaluable learning experiences, equipping parents with the information necessary to make informed decisions and develop essential parenting skills. Additionally, Legacy Parenting operates The Legacy Store, which plays a vital role in providing diapers to families in need, distributing approximately 284,000 diapers in 2022 alone, thanks to the generous support of the community and their partnerships.

Legacy Parenting Center serves as a safe and inclusive space where families can find the support and resources they need to thrive. Their overarching mission is to create a brighter future for children and families in Pottawatomie County and beyond, fostering a legacy of strong, healthy, and resilient families. Those interested in contributing to their cause or benefiting from their services are encouraged to explore their website and discover the various ways they can participate in building a stronger community for all.