Peak Nutritional Therapy

Peak Nutritional Therapy

I help anyone who is sick and tired of being sick and tired. I believe in a symptom based approach to help people get to the root cause of their health issues.

We focus on the foundations of health: a nutrient dense diet, blood sugar regulation, digestion, fatty acid balance, mineral balance and hydration. When these core foundations of health are taken care of, we can help with the symptoms of many common health issues.

Some common health issues I like to help people with are Type 2 Diabetes, Chronic Fatigue or Low Energy, Digestive issues and Low Thyroid Function.

I also am able to do blood panels for any clients who wish to have them done, or if we run into any overly complicated cases.

My program is 3 months of 1 on 1 health consultation and includes the following

  • Nutritional assessment
  • Food and mood journal analysis
  • Personalized dietary recommendations to achieve your health goals
  • Personalized supplement protocols
  • Check in calls every 2 weeks
  • New assessment and food journal analysis every month
  • Updated recommendations and protocols each month
  • Unlimited email and phone support