Bird Cage Theatre

Bird Cage Theatre

A historic theatre located in Tombstone, AZ which is now a museum and major worldwide attraction rich with Tombstone's old west history during the days of Wyatt Earp.

Back to the birdcageThe Bird Cage Theatre opened on December 26, 1881. It was owned by Lottie and William "Billy" Hutchinson. Hutchison, a variety performer, originally intended to present respectable family shows like he'd seen in San Francisco that were thronged by large crowds. After the Theatre opened, they hosted a Lady's Night for the respectable women of Tombstone, who could attend for free. But the economics of Tombstone didn't support their aspirations. They soon canceled the Lady's Night and began offering baser entertainment that appealed to the rough mining crowd.

The walls of the Bird Cage were riddled with gunshot holes from gunfighters and the local Miners of the American frontier.

There were 12 balcony boxes where prostitutes worked. Still inside is the infamous Bird Cage Poker Table where the longest poker game was played.