Polka Dot Powerhouse Albuquerque Chapter

Our Chapter is made up of unique, action-forward, do-er women in the 505! We have an active Membership! Come check us out and register for an upcoming meeting. Our group is welcoming; even if you come alone you won't feel alone. Guests can attend one meeting to check us out before deciding if they would like to join. Contact Diana Webb at abqpolkadots@gmail.com for more information. We look forward to Rocking the Dot with you!

Polka Dot Powerhouse welcomes the participation of women and women-identified persons of all ages, races, abilities, backgrounds, religions, and sexual orientations. We seek and value a diverse and inclusive membership, and all women are encouraged to join. Our connections to each other transcend life experiences, educational paths, career choices, and family structures. Our diversity of perspectives promotes stronger personal and professional relationships valued by our members and celebrated in everything we do.